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Preparing Files for Printing

We requires a 0.25" bleed around the perimeter of your artwork to ensure accurate cutting (e.g., artwork for a 8.5"x11" catalogue should extend to 8.75" x 11.25"). If your image has a white border on all four sides, bleeds are recommended but not required. If your image is not white on all four sides, you must include bleeds in print-ready files.

If your artwork contains borders, you must make sure all borders are 1/4 (0.25) of an inch wide on each side of your artwork. In addition, you need to add a 1/8 (0.125) of an inch bleed on each side of your artwork. This approach will ensure proper cutting and help the finished product maintain a symmetrical appearance. If your border is not at least 1/4 (0.25) of an inch wide on each side, you risk creating a border that looks uneven.


2.File Color Format
If your files are submitted using any other color standard, such as RGB or Pantone, they will be converted to CMYK during preflighting. Conversion from one color standard to another may cause colors to shift. We need to use CMYK color mode for printing.

 3.File Resolution
Resolution also known as DPI (Dots Per Inch) can be described as the number of dots that fit horizontally and vertically into a one-inch space. Generally, the more dots per inch, the more detail captured and the sharper the resulting image.

For an image to print properly, the image must be at least 300 dots per inch (dpi) at the final output size. If your file is not 300 dpi, you can not simply increase the dpi from a low resolution to a higher one by increasing the DPI in your imaging program. For most printing jobs, 300 dots per inch (DPI) is the minimum resolution to guarantee acceptable printing results.


4.Artworks Format
It is important that you supply all fonts used in your layout. If you do not supply fonts in your artwork file, we will request that you resubmit your files with fonts included.

If you have vector artwork and your file is missing fonts, you can open your file in Illustrator, select "Create Outlines", save your fonts, re-save your artwork file, and then upload it.

Please do not submit your fonts separately from your file because it is critical that we receive your print-ready file with fonts included to avoid any printing issues. All text within your files must be converted to outlines with the outline set to zero to eliminate the need for fonts.
We shall appreciate it if you can provide PDF file for printing.


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